Batman Begins - Help Select


Future store is a department store that people in the world needed. This is one of the really great innovation that can help customer at the shopping mall. All of technologies which showed in this video are very sophisticated and integrated with each other to each other. The video start with the smart fridge, that technology can help us to update items in the fridge. If you busy to restock your items you can ordered items you needed through the internet, and the items automatically added to the shopping list in future smart card which your family have. The first technology which showed in future store is smart trolley that have a good function, the trolley can scanned the items which you added to your trolley and automatically items reduce from stock in server, so server can order to their employees to fill the items on case. This technology is very help employees if they calculate stock every day and can reduce their mistake when they calculating. And then trolley has a special function where the trolley can showed all price from items on your trolley, this technology is very useful for costumers who have little budget because they can know the items which they buy are the items still on their budgets or not.  
Video Future Store

Then in my opinion, future store can reduce some rubbing that we find in shopping mall latter, because with the sophisticated technology that they have can give information to server if there are peoples who take the items from their stock, so when rubbing activity happened their employees can know. Then other technology which future store have is information terminal, that technology can help us to find items that we are looking for and the technology automatically direct us to right place. Next technology is smart dressing room, that technology can visualizing all dress which we need without release your dress. If we use this technology can save space and decrease uncomfortable that often we feel. Queue problems that we find latter in shopping mall may can resolved, because all of technology integrated with each other, cashier can know all price of your items. All of items which we buy automatically paid when we pass the last gate with our smart card, we do not bother to spend our money because function of money have been replaced by smart card. Now I will discuss some weakness about this technology, first I think this technology must has a good system, because if a lot of people in shopping mall make some transaction at same time the system will be down if that department store not has a good and integrated system and I think all transaction will disorderly. And next problem is loss of employment, because almost activity in shopping mall do by computer, there aren’t spaces for human to work in that shopping mall. And the last problems that we find in this technology is this technology has a high cost both in purchase or maintenance.